S5. Hike #2 - Saint Perpetua Trail
Saint Perpetua Trail Trail Map Starting Location: Cape Perpetua Visitors Center (just South of Devil's Churn) Point of Interest : trails for hiking, with views of ocean Length of hike: 2.8 miles from visitor's center to top and back again. Level : moderate to difficult (mud, some steepness, tree roots) Bathrooms : Yes, flush toilets at Visitors Center, and at top of Cape Parking : Large paved lot, EV Chargers: No Just 5 of us on this hike. We hoped that the weather would be okay (which is what our weather apps said...). However, it drizzled much of our hike. We drove to Newport, and took the first picture at Nye Beach, where there are public restrooms. Then on to Cape Perpetua. There was some confusion about where the trailhead was. Since we were coming from the North, we got to Devils Churn first, but we didn't have time to stop, since we were getting a late start. There are 4 trails that begin at the Visitor's Center, which is about 1...