S4 Hike #4 Abiqua Falls

Abiqua Falls

Starting Location: Private Property near Scotts Mill

Point of Interest : 1 gorgeous waterfall

Length of hike: about 1.5  mile loop from the trailhead. We had to park about a mile up the road due to poor road conditions, and the low clearance on our Prius

Level: challenging. Very rocky, and steep sections

Bathrooms: No, just the trees

Parking: Along the road, nothing official

This is a bit hard to find, so make sure to do some research. The trailhead is pretty clear, and the trail was marked with caution tape (I think to make it easy to see). There was some rope available on the steep sections to help with climbing. It's do-able, but just take it slow. The view at the end is worth it. It looks like some people come in, have lunch, swim, and make a day of it.


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